Thursday, April 29, 2010

coco moo cow

My boys call chocolate milk "coco moo" and they drink it all.the.time.  As a matter of fact, we consume a gallon of milk a day in this house. And I use the term "we" very loosely.  My daughter and I may have a bowl of cereal now and then, so it's mostly "them".  I shouldn't surprised seeing how much they are growing! The Boy is officially 5' 8" at 14 1/2. yes.. I'm looking up to him, thank you.  The Other Boy is staring me in the eye and he's only 11.  It's only a matter of time...  I know it's something I have to accept, I am just having a stinkin' hard time with it.  It wasn't as bad with the girls, who are all a little taller than me.  I guess it's because the boys are my babies.  Oh well.  I guess I'm going to have to go back to wearing heals like I did in my early days.

Anyway about this card, when I decided to color this cow, I made him 'chocolate' in honor of my boys and their "coco moo" drinking selves.  
The paper is Basic Grey and this is Happy Cow a Hambo digi image. The message is also a Hambo

On a Personal Note:
What's going on with me? What isn't going on with me? I have a daughter graduating in a few weeks. I say that, and I still can't believe it.  As a matter of fact, I still haven't created her graduation announcements yet, and they should have been mailed at least a week ago.  
I am officially a college student.  Yep.  I just said that aloud and I can hardly believe that myself. I mentioned a while back that I was ready to re-enter the work world.  I realized that since it's been a "couple" of years since I worked full time, it was time to get some training or re-training. So, I did it.  I started classes online this week and I'm realizing that the old brain has a few cob webs that need to be shaken off.  People in college just over-think everything... oh I'm sorry, that's called "Critical Thinking" :) 
The good news is, I got the results of my MRI last week and I DO have a brain.  No worries there.  They wanted to rule out other possible causes for my headaches which we are now certain are migraines. The lovely thing is this time of year my headaches are more frequent because of pollen.  This year the pollen has been unusually high.  Very very high. I'm on a new medicine which makes me sleep.  The good news is I feel better and the headaches are less severe.  The bad news is I sleep all the time.  Remember I said I have college courses and homework and essays to write?  Unless someone can tell me how to do it in my sleep, this isn't going to work for me. :) Headache? or Sleep?  Hmmm....   which should I choose? ... and so the saga continues... Until next time, and I have no idea when that'll be, I'll leave you with my verse/motto for the week. 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13

Be blessed! Choosing Joy! Jacki


Amy said...

wonderful news for you Jacki! Congrats on going back to school, proud of you. Glad to hear the headaches are better too, but bummed the meds make you sleepy. Not a good combo with school, LOL. I'll be writing on my blog in the next day or two, so be sure to check in to find out what's going on here....

Anonymous said...

Your cards are simply exquisite. Thank you for sharing your ideas, your life and inspiration. Like you, I'm one of God's princesses, love my family, have a daughter graduating the day before Mother's Day, have migraine headaches and love making cards for my family and friends.

May our heavenly Father bless you and your family and heal you from those horrible headaches.
In His Love,

Staci said...

Love "coco moo". Sorry about the headaches-seems like an epidemic lately. So, what are you studying in school? What are you gonna be when you grow up? I'm hoping you'll tell me because I need to do what you're doing this time next year and should start taking classes, if only I had some direction...

seamom said...

Oh, Jacki! So good to hear from you and to see another great card!Blessings to you.

Sarosa said...

Jacki, you have such a great balance of personal stuff and cardmaking on your blog!

I am praying for great balance with school and family time, Jacki time, God time, and card time!

Love you!