Today, I'm re-arranging flowers. I revived two arrangements that needed some new life breathed into them. Here is one of them. This vase entered my house as an unfinished vase from the craft store. I painted it with black craft paint and then and interference purple pearly powder mixed with the paint medium that Biblical Impressions used to sell. I like how the flowers (which were in a different container) look in it.
We are just trying to spruce up the family room as we decorate. You are going to notice a color theme in a second. I don't want you thinking this woman is absolutely so purple crazy that she's torturing those poor people with all that purple with even her Christmas decorating...
I want you to know the purple was all "Christmas Boy's" idea. [FYI, my oldest son, lovingly referred to as "The Boy" becomes "Christmas Boy" during the holidays.] Decorating had always been a chore for me. I do it because I like to make it festive, but it wasn't on my top ten list of favorite activities. On the other hand, a few years ago I was too busy and didn't get around to decorating fast enough for him (he was around 9) and he asked to do it. He not only put up the tree by himself, but he really got into adding decorations to other areas. including lights around his bedroom doorpost.
Last year I found some purple lights at Lowe's and decorated The Card Castle. Remember >this
This year, Christmas Boy chose to use those lights on the tree. And then he said he wanted a purple and silver and gold tree. ( gasp! I think I hyperventilated at this point) Who am I to stop Christmas Boy? I'm helping him by making the bows he wants at the top of the tree. The next few pictures are some of our decorating 'ingredients'. We are going to get busy here and I'll be back (eventually... let's be real here, I don't promise anymore! LOL ) with the pictures of the decorated house, OK?
On a personal note:
I've got a few cards to make this week for special birthdays. ( note the silence)
There is also a big blog hopping party next Saturday. I'm participating in Hero Arts' New Catalog Release Blog Hop next Saturday!! I'm pretty excited about it. Have you seen the previews this week on the blog? But for today, it's back to organizing and decorating. We are preparing to have a big family Christmas with my husband's family. I'm am soooooo ready for Christmas, but soooooooo not prepared. Christmas shopping?? I've only purchased one gift, and it was for me. Shhh don't tell my offspring.
The exercising is going well. I haven't been on a scale in a couple of weeks, but I need a belt all of a sudden. I'm off the meds except the one I take weekly for Lupus. It's all good. : ) I choose to look at life that way anyway. Be blessed as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ. I don't have to join a group or don a t-shirt with the slogan, Christ will always be my Christmas.
Jacki- I so know what you mean about waiting till the last minute. My project for tonight is to make gifts for my son's Sunday School teachers for tomorrow's Advent Carol Service. Nothing like waiting until the night before! I'm giving them M&M's with the M&M Christmas poem....hope more end up in the gift bags than end up in my mouth!
Merry CHRISTmas!
Jacki- I so understand about waiting until the last minute! One of my greatest talents in procrastination! My project for tonight is to make 12 Christmas gifts for my sons' Sunday School Teachers for tomorrow's Advent Carol Service. Nothing like waiting! I'm giving them M&M's with the M&M Christmas poem attached to the packaging. Let's hope more M&M's end up in the bags rather than in my mouth!
Merry CHRISTmas!
I am cracking up! "Only boring people make Christmas stuff in the summer and still know where it is by December. Am I right? Can I get a witness??" YUP! I am your witness! I come by my last-minuteitis honestly. I got it from my Mom. But I must tell you that she also would drop everything to listen or to help one who needed it. Boring she wasn't! I think I am missing her lately.....
Glad to hear from you again, and I'll be watching for the Hero blog hop.
Jacki, I enjoyed reading your blog. I can really relate to the exercise and diet thing; I have diabetes, and I am working very hard to avoid insulin. I started a blog a week or so ago, and I have a few posts on it that you might be interested in because we have a lot in common. I talk about my struggles with diet and exercise and how I have been successful so far. It is The Eclectic Blogger, http://www.janismorris.blogspot.com
I am looking forward to going through your blog more thoroughly.
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