Just a warning.... I'll be back with a longer post and blog candy. I'm putting together a HA prize package-- I have some brand new items to give away. I missed my Blogaversary and it's Thanksgiving and I have a lot to be thankful for. What about you? What sticks out in your mind these days?
I have been exercising like I mentioned. I'm already feeling better and seeing some results. Just to prove how serious I am, Here is my 'before' .... after will follow in a few months.
Let's see, what else is going on... Working on a few upcoming projects for HA which includes a new video. ( yeah!) Mourning my laptop which was brutally murdered by Sprite last night. Praying for a miracle. Be blessed, I've got to go for now....
Congrats on the blogaversary AND the exercising/health regime. You're one brave lady for posting a "before" photo. Hat's off and lots of support from me!
I'm thankful for my health, a hobby that makes me so happy when I'm working it, a glorious Thanksgiving day today, a roof over my head and people who love me. And lots more. WOW! I'm blessed! Happy Thanksgiving, Jacki!
I've missed your updates, Jacki! Yours is one of my favorite blogs! I'm a huge Hero Arts fan and am always inspired by your creativity.
Your blog is not only inspiring in a creative sense, but spiritually also.
I pray you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving.
Happy Holidays Jacki! Live Life Sister!!
Take care and STAY POSITIVE!
Hi Jacki, it's been awhile since I've popped in. Hurray for you for embracing an exercise program and a personal trainer! I started getting back into exercising in July, and it is paying off. Not losing the weight like I wanted to (have lost some), but I feel better, am stronger, have more endurance, and a better attitude about myself. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Jacki, you're so much fun! I am glad to see you posting again ... not that I get to look at blogs much these days!
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