Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thirty Days of Thankfulness: Day 16 ~ Naps!

I hated naps growing up. As a teenager, I didn't need naps because I was the rare kid and teenager  that enjoyed going to bed early... that is until my senior year in high school and they put a 13 inch black and white television in my room. :)
I was never much of a napper until the kids came, I started taking naps right along with them because... they wore me out!
These days, I'm the queen of the power nap. I can lay down for 20 minutes and feel a whole lot better!
So I had a nap today, and I'm thankful for it.

1 comment:

Take care and STAY POSITIVE! Trena said...

Me too Sister! I didn't want to lay down when I was little...now I look forward to those quiet moments on a weekend afternoon. :o) Hope you and your family are enjoying the Holidays!

Take care and STAY POSITIVE!