For this quick card, I used the Cricut to cut the number and shadows. The cupcake was done earlier and was conveniently on my desk. Now that I say all that, I feel like I need to make another card not so quickly and special for her. I think I'll spend a few minutes this morning working on it -- maybe make a card for her like I did for my daughter but with 14 candles, obviously.
On a Personal Note:
Medicine/Dr update: Thanks again for the comments and prayers. I finally got the medicine and started it on Thursday night. So far so good. It's only one dose a week but I have to be closely monitored by the doctor until they see how my body responds to it. The instructions were to take the first dose and see her in 7 days to have my blood drawn before I can take any more. She said that I would need to be monitored weekly for a few weeks and then if I was tolerating it I would go to 2 weeks and eventually monthly blood draws. If that was the case and she's starting me on this medicine, don't you think it would have been in my best interest to know that she's leaving the practice 10 days after we have this conversation? I was upset not because I'm so attached to her (she is a good doctor and all but I've only seen her 3 or 4 times now). The problem is when I called back for that first appointment to get that weekly blood draw, she has no available appointments because it's her last week... Even if I'm tolerating the medicine and is it working, I can't get the second dose until I see the doctor and have my blood drawn. So here is where I am. My very wise sister suggested that I call the office and request that she discuss my case with have me worked in with one of her colleagues (maybe even the one I was referred to in the first place?) I can't request that specific doctor right now because I would be classified as a new patient for that doctor and her first available isn't until December. Sounds complicated, but I'm starting to think that it was a part of my Heavenly Father's plan all along. I was reminded of a song yesterday that makes the point, that the moment you pray, God starts working on the answer. Just because you don't see the solution yet, doesn't mean nothing is being done. The last line is "your prayers are reaching Heaven, and the answer's on the way!*" So, I'm still holding on to my prayer for healing. I just want to mention that I really had the tables turned on me during our conversation. The encourager needed encouraging! I'm usually the one talking about how attitude makes a difference-- Choose Joy and all that! She reminded me that my attitude can affect my healing with this medicine. I realized that there is a difference in preparing for a worse case scenario and expecting the worse. So, I choose to believe that this will be a positive experience. In any case, I'm turning my sensors to searching for the positives.
* the song is Pray On, by Babbie Mason. Here is the portion I was referring to.
"When your questions go unanswered, and they seem to be in vain,
they don't seem to make a difference, they don't seem to make a change.
Just rest assured God knows your needs and He hears each time you pray,
Your prayers are reaching Heaven and the answer's on the way!"
So that's it for Friday morning. I'll be back later today with that other card....maybe.
Beautiful card. Hang in there and keep letting the docs know that you must see one of them. Thanks for the uplifting lyrics.
Bless You, Jacki, for blessing others with encouraging words even when you are feeling such frustration yourself:)
I was very encouraged by your words today and the lyrics from the BM song.
You have reason to feel frustrated. Your doctor is being unreasonable and, in my view, unprofessional. Continue to be persistent and feel the strength of your sisterhood standing with you.
Good luck with the medicine thing and the new doctor. At least you have a good, positive attitude about it all (but then, you always seem to find the God Plan in everything - I love that about you!) I'm also glad to see that I am not the only one who is late on my birthday cards - sorry!!
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