A few of weeks ago, we went out on a date. A date with my husband outside of the house is a rare treat. At O'Charlie's, and the hostess seated us near the bar area. We wanted to talk to each other and it wasn't going to happen in that part of the restaurant. They moved us to the part of the room that looked like a sun room. -- They call it the Glass House. It was still early in the evening, probably before their normal dinner hour so we had the whole room to ourselves-- at least for a little while. The manager evidently goes to our church because he told one of the employees about Michael's singing. This woman came over and pulled up a chair and started talking. She wanted to know if he would sing "His Eye is on the Sparrow" for her. Let me interject her and say that at first I was a little annoyed. I could have been interrupted at home --and, this was a little unusual, to say the least! But my husband's reaction was different. His reaction made me instantly repent. He smiled and asked her if she was serious. She talked about how the song reminded her of her grandmother who passed away a year ago. It was one of the things that was omitted from the funeral. The next thing I know he's singing right there at our table. Remember we were in that area alone so it was almost inconspicuous. I don't think any of the other customers heard us. He sang the first and second verse back to back, and by the time he got to the chorus, she was in tears. When he'd finished and she'd composed herself, she went on to tell why that song reminded her of her grandmother.
When she was a little girl, she was terrified of a thunder storm. While it thundered and lightened, her grandmother would sing. In an effort to comfort the frightened child, her grandmother brought her to the front door and opened it wide. She pointed out a bird on the wires and asked if the bird looked scared. Right there in the storms and rain, the bird just perched itself there, waiting for the storms to pass. She told the child that if God can take care of that bird, He's would surely take care of them. Her story gave me goose bumps. I was moved by her emotion and the encouraged by his attitude at the opportunity to minister to her. I felt very blessed to be a witness to all that. Not just a witness, because the Lord ministered to me too.
It was helpful to me, God reminded me once again, that He's got this. I'm sure God doesn't sound like George Lopez, but it's his voice saying "I got this!" that I hear.(smile)You see, I'm still struggling with not feeling settled. After a year, I finally feel like this house is home and the neighbors are great. But I still feel like a bystander at church. I'm not serving, just attending services and Sunday School. I haven't jumped in because I've been waiting for it to feel right. I didn't want to get too involved and make too many friends, if it wasn't the church that God wanted us to be a part of. Here's one thing that I do know. God wouldn't tell my husband one thing and tell me another. Michael's joined the choir and he seems to be comfortably fitting in. So obviously it's me?? I just decided one day earlier this week that maybe I won't ever feel warm fuzzies (at least for now) but that maybe this is where God has planned for me to minister. I need to go about doing that and then the warm fuzzies will come?
I'm going to do some more praying and then set up a meeting or two. I'll let you know how it all turns out.
Praise Update;
Also I'll update my prayer post with this information, but I'm seeing a marked improvement in the lesion on my face. The dermatologist actually injected the medicine directly into my cheek the last time I was there. Hopefully, by the time I see her in a couple of weeks, I will have improved enough that she will forget about the drug thing.
...and lastly, here's a bonus card! I showed you a similar one before. This was leftover from my last class at Michaels. The pre-stamped panel was a part of the class kit. I love coloring this flower, so I went ahead and made a card out of it. The solid floral images are Stampin Up and the saying is from a Hero Arts set.
If I survive this weekend and get my computer back online (-- on Jillana's lappy right now), I'll be back with lots of pictures on Monday.
We're making homemade pizza and having Julie's famous rainbow cake before going to a movie. When we return we will be watching DVDs, making bracelets, playing games, etc... all night long.... ok I won't be up all night, I'm sure.
"Have a blessed day! " she said with eager anticipation, but then added reluctantly" I need to get back to cleaning and preparing."
HI Jacki!
I just finished reading about how you were not really doing anything in the church, well let me tell you that you are doing that something online by blogging. I eagerly stop by almost daily to hear a little of your inspiring life, a funny moment, or just something that allows me to reflect on how blessed I am (not to mention your beautiful card creations) So maybe for now you are ministering to your readers and I am so thankful that you are!
That was a wonderful dinner where your DH could reach out and help someone. Maybe you are needed at the church to give warm fuzzies to someone or more than one in need thereby getting some in return. You'll know when the time is right. Hugs.
Thanks for sharing your "date" with us. It has a wonderful message for everyone. Hope Julie has a super sweet birhtday and you survive it all - - is it nap time yet?
Hi sweetie! What a wonderful story Jacki! I got goosebumps reading it. What a blessing for you to be a part of that exchange between your husband and that woman!
Now, as far as you and your church goes. Here's my two cents, friend. God never promised that our service for Him would be easy or comfortable. In fact, I think the more uncomfortable something makes us, that's God nudging us to move forward for Him in faith. Maybe it's not YOUR service to the church that's important right now, but it just might be an opportunity for the church to serve to you in some way. If it's been on your heart, it's put there by God for a reason Jacki. Step out in faith and get involved.
Love ya!
Gosh, your story about the woman, her grandmother, your husband, the singing, your date.... that is amazing. What a God thing. How amazing to see how your hubby's time and talents can bless others. You know, you are right, you could have been annoyed -- but you saw the big picture. That is really cool. Wish I was there to witness that!! :-) Take care in this busy time. Remember to breathe!!
Jacki, isn't it great to know that God will use us in such creative ways! I'm so glad you shared that! Really special. And I believe God will make up that time with your hubby!
And how refreshing to be willing to consider being part of a church not because of what it does for you, but simply because God may be leading you to be there. The concept of church being focused on meeting our personal preferences is simply not a scriptural concept! May God bless you as you serve Him...
Jacki, Jacki, Jacki....you ARE ministering - on your blog. That was one of the most touching stories I have heard in a long time. It brought tears to my eyes and I got goosebumps, too. We are all so lucky to be part of this. Thank you for sharing. I only wish I could hear your husband's singing!
Hugs to you both.
Renée K
Wow, what a powerful post today! Really inspiring and heartfelt and a beautiful card to top it off? - priceless!!
Well, darlin', what's left to say? I agree with the previous loving comments and thank you for the uplifting date story. You are a generous soul. And brave. You rock!
Hello there, my friend. My goodness, where have I been? This post totally slipped by me.
Well, I must say, I love O'Charley's but NEVER have I experienced LIVE entertainment there! LOL What a blessing your husband is. I've never met him and I've only spoken with him briefly, once, on the phone. But wow, what an unselfish man he seems to be. I couldn't imagine how I would've felt had someone asked me to sing in a restaurant...on a date with my spouse, no less. What an inspiration he is. And I'm so glad you benefited from that experience too.
I know how you feel about fitting into your church. This is one of those situations YOU can't force. God will show you where you belong there. He's waiting for you to let go of your own hand and grab His.
Love ya!
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