This weekend was a very healing experience for me and it came at the perfect time. I'm blessed to have a family in whose presence I can go to heal. It's late and I need to go to bed, but I'll share with you a little about that healing tomorrow. Right now I want to share a few pictures with you. Let me apologize first of all that the quality of photos isn't great. Actually these are the better ones. I didn't personally take very many pictures, because I was otherwise occupied and my kids had the camera. There are more pictures of them in the car and in the elevator (sheesh). I'm counting on getting pictures from my mom and sister and the photographer the birthday sister hired because he took around 500 pictures. I would love to share the photo of mom with us 5 girls.

The Birthday Girl ( Diane) with nieces and nephews and grandson.

me and mom

me and Charmaine ( I made a bunch of stuff for her wedding last year)

Denise and Dannette

Me and Denise
I don't have a picture (yet) of the youngest sister, Darlene.
Jacki, I'm so glad you were surrounded by the love of your family.
I love looking at photos of your family. Your girls far outshine the models that the fashion mags think our young women should look like. My neice age 10 scares me by her clothing selections but she says they all dress like that at school. I wish her mom would pay more attention-my girls did not look or act like that. Because I was in charge. The little boy-oh my what a doll. He makes me smile tonight. I have a nephew about that age and he luvs his UNKA (well me too as I let him play Bob the Builder on the computer)
Jacki, what a nice time that looked like! YOU looked radiant in those photos! So beautiful. I hope your sister knows how much I wish I had a sister like you!! The photos of your kids on the elevator & in the car sounds like a riot. KIDS!
It looks like you had a wonderful time - what a blessing to be able to spend time with your family this weekend. God's timing really is perfect, isn't it?
OK Staci, stop making me cry already!!!
Thanks for the compliments about my kids, Jan!
Sharon, you are a blessing to me!
Yes, Trish, everything God does is perfect. It's awesome to be his child.
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