I got this message from my niece today. Her baby, Isaiah, is just couple of weeks old. These are her words...
We found out yesterday that he has a blood disorder called G6PD deficiency. I never heard of it before yesterday, but now it is like the most important thing in our lives. Basically, there are certain foods and meds that he can not have because it will cause a further degradation of his red blood cells. (his blood is lacking G6PD which is a component of healthy red blood cells) it is a genetic disorder... we think that {husband/dad} is the carrier. We have to monitor him when he gets infections or sick b/c the risk of him needing blood transfusions is higher when his body needs to fight infections since his red blood cells are deficient, illness can throw him into a severe anemic state really fast. He has an appointment with a hematology specialist on Wed. Our hope is that he has a really mild form of the deficiency... and that it will have a minimal effect on his life. Otherwise, he is completely healthy. I just wish we did not have to deal with this. but, no matter how hard I wish, that doesn't change the circumstances. All I can do is pray for him, and ask others to do the same.
Please pray for her and encourage her if you feel inclined to do so.
Another update on my situation...
I still was not able to get my prescription filled today. I could have paid in cash, but it was BIG bucks. I need to wait for the insurance. I think the problem is with the pharmacist computers connecting with the insurance company's computers or something like that....
I also found out today that as of next week, my dermatologist will be leaving that practice and moving even further away to the other side of Atlanta. What this means to me is that the next time I go in I will be seeing a new doctor. I need wisdom...
Your niece's baby and your health concerns are in my prayers.
Prayers for you and your family.
So sorry to hear of all this; I've added Isaiah to my prayer list and will continue to pray for you (specifically about the dr situation now, too)
I am praying for you, and for your niece, their baby and family.
I'm so sorry to hear about your niece's baby. I will keep him in my prayers that it is the mildest form of the disease and will have no major impact on his life.
I hope that the insurance will cooperate soon and fill your prescription.
You are in my prayers.
Jacki, darlin', I'm so sorry for that adorable baby. I know exactly how you feel re not having heard of it and boom--suddenly it's the biggest think in your world. My first grandchild came into the world with a genetic disorder we'd never heard of. She lived one day. It was heartbreaking. Her disorder required one recessive gene to have come from each parent.
Blessedly, they had a healthy daughter 3 years later!
Oh Jacki I am very sorry to hear that your niece and your family are dealing with this. So many times we blame ourselves when things go wrong and this is when we really dont realize what His plan could possibly be for bringing it into our lives. I pray that she can keep her faith strong-something I know can be a hard struggle.
I have put you on my prayer list at my bible study, you have a whole new group of prayer warriors out here in San Antonio :)
(my dr. retiring is one reason I have not gone back to my therapist, so I know how you feel about seeing someone new..)
I'm praying for that sweet, precious baby, and your family too. God has a purpose for all of this, we just can't see what it is right now.
Totally praying for your Grand Nephew!! Also praying that things are working out for you with the doctors & the prescriptions and the medical stuff!
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