I spoke of my new craft room in the last post and it dawned on me that I hadn't told you about the house hunting trip a couple weeks ago.
The Lord taught me a lesson in trust that weekend --Trusting both Him and the husband He gave me. To start of let me tell you that although I can be very spontaneous and flexible, I always have a plan. I'm a planner. I planned the entire trip, but he(the husband) chose to do things differently than I had planned. He had a plan, too. I left my kids and house and went all they way there by airplane for a purpose--and I do not like to fly. After an exhausting day on Saturday, I was very discouraged. Not only were we not finding anything, I didn't like much about the entire area. Suddenly, the snow drifts from last February weren't looking so bad. He knew I was angry by the end of the day. Actually, I think I was more annoyed than angry. Annoyed because I felt we were wasting time. If you want to annoy me, waste my time -- or whine (two pet peeves of mine) Wasting time was not a part of my plan.
On Sunday morning, I asked the Lord to help me to trust His plan. If we weren't meant to find a house this trip, then God must have a different plan, right?? I also asked God to help me to hear exactly what He wanted me to hear during the sermon that day. We were going to visit Andy Stanley's church, I was excited about that.
After service we went out for lunch in a totally different direction from the area we looked on Saturday. Long story, short we found a house in an area I love. There is a Michaels and a JoAnn's very close. ( You can see where my priorities are, smile) It is also pretty close to a mall, so the teenagers can find jobs. The house is the same square footage as this one, but the rooms are smaller, so there are more rooms.
The Card Castle will be in the finished basement in a fairly large room without a closet. I need for things to be put away behind doors, whenever possible, If too much is left out in the open, it will cause too much creative stimulation and I will never leave that room, ever... I was thinking about the ribbon storage, because if I do have to have it out, I want it to at least be pretty.
Right now, I have the office in what could be a formal living room on the main floor with storage in the unfinished basement. This is very inconvenient, but good for exercise. For instance, it it wasn't so late at night I would head down to look for a stamp so that I can add a "trust in the Lord" saying to this card. I know I have one somewhere amoungst my several Bible verse stamps, but I'm too lazy to go all the way to the basement to look. I might add it later and take a new picture.
We still have to sell this house, so please pray that God will bring the buyer along very soon as we continue to do our part to make that happen.
ETA: The paper is Basic Grey from the oh Baby Collection I pieced together the background from three different sheets of paper. The stamp is Stampabilities from the Born to Shop series. I purchased it from The Stampbuzz.
What a great stamp -- havent' seen that one before. Like what you did with it and the way your card turned out. The lesson is one we have to keep reminding ourselves of every single day, isnt' it?
Really great card!!
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